"Master Turkish Language in No Time: Intensive Course for Level One Turkish Language"


🇹🇷📚 This intensive course for Level 1 Turkish is your opportunity to learn Turkish quickly and easily! The course includes two separate modules, taught by two of the best university professors in Turkey. Dr. Abdulrahim Turan teaches the foundational course from the beginning, he is a Turkish teacher who is proficient in Arabic and has 25 years of teaching experience in teaching Turkish to Arabs. The course includes exercises for each lecture, detailed explanations, and a real recorded experience of students with the professors. 🎓

The course is characterized by the expertise of Turkish doctors in simplifying correct understanding, high translation, and intensive application. The course also includes training files for each lecture, which students can benefit from at any time. The course also includes an independent conversation course, which is taught in an applied manner and covers 45 topics, taught by the expert Dr. Abdullah Juk Turk, who has 22 years of teaching experience and teaches at many Turkish universities. 🗣️

This course is your opportunity to improve your Turkish language skills quickly and easily, where students can benefit from intensive books, supporting materials, and private lectures. 💻📚

The course provides the student screen within the website, where students can watch lectures and open the books that the teacher explains from at the same time, interact with the teacher, write notes for each lecture, and keep them in the favorites list for reference at any time, among many other uses.

Upon completion of Level 1, you can present yourself strongly and have comprehensive basic conversations for Level 1. 🗣️🎓

İstanbul. Yabancılar İçin Türkçe Ders Kitabı A1 ( PDFDrive.com ).pdf